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Transferable Skills

Have you ever considered how many fields you work in?

Have you ever made a list?

I keep a running list in my head but have never written anything down. I changed this when I heard Marcy Breffle share how she takes notes about what she does professionally. Breffle was part of a panel discussion about transferable skills presented by The Southeastern Museums Conference, The Association of Academic Museums and Galleries, and The Association of Midwest Museums. The American Alliance of Museums hosted this session.

Breffle shared that for every project she works on, she enters each of her tasks into a spreadsheet. One of her columns is titled, Where have I delivered impact?

She said her spreadsheet makes it easy for her to remember what she’s done and, more importantly, how she has contributed to the projects with which she has been involved.

Imagine not having to spend time wracking your brain trying to remember what you’ve done in the past.

Imagine being so aware of your skills and how you’re delivering impact that you can confidently provide examples at a moment’s notice.

Imagine that.

Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash