A Bookshop for Informal Science educators


We can get information from anywhere. Just tap on your phone.

However, resources curated with you in mind are more challenging to find.

While I don't know all of your interests or how you work with the public (I want to understand this), I do have a sense of what resources may be worth considering based on my conversations with individuals in environmental education (EE) and professionals from other fields. 

Cultivating resources for educators and students comes naturally. You see, once upon a time, I had a specialty bookstore. My store was a mobile/online operation; I even had retail space inside a marketplace for more than a year. That store is gone. I replaced it with a shop at Bookshop.org when they went online. This online platform enables me to continue to share resources. It also helps me support independent bookstores, which is very important to me.

At Talaterra's shop, you will find bookshelves dedicated to different topics. You'll discover bookshelves addressing People & The Environment, Sense of Place, EE Leadership, Children & Nature, and Natural History. Hopefully, this ever-changing collection of resources will inspire you.

My shop exists because I am an affiliate of Bookshop.org. I receive 10% of a book's purchase price for every sale. Proceeds from book sales go toward sustaining the freelance project, the podcast, and outreach activities.

While 50¢ here or $2.40 there doesn't sound like a lot, these small amounts add up over time. Thank you for considering Talaterra's shop the next time you order books or purchase a gift card for an avid reader.

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