Episode 43: Kimberly Beck, Rewilding and Nature Therapy

Hello and welcome to February.

How is your year going? 

Has it been nonstop busy since the holidays? 

For me this year, January went the same way it went last year — busy, busy, busy — but lots of good things are happening, so no complaints.

The events of the past month made me think about our fast-moving world and how it really isn’t a surprise that people don’t notice their surroundings. I then switched to thinking about myself and how I might make myself slow down. Then I thought about my conversation with Kimberly Beck, one of the first guests on this podcast. Kimberly is an environmental educator and psychotherapist at Relational Rewilding Nature Guiding. Here Kimberly offers rewilding programs and nature therapy. I thought about what she does in her programs and found myself wishing that Colorado wasn’t so far away.

If you've been wishing for more quiet moments and have been looking for more stillness for you and for your audience, I recommend listening to this episode to find out how Kimberly incorporates stillness and guides the participants in her programs.



Relational Rewilding Nature Guiding

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Is encouraging gratitude an antidote for materialism? (article)

Not a Stick (children’s book)

Transcript: Ep43 Kimberly Beck, Rewilding and Nature Therapy


Episode 44: Engaging with diverse audiences


Episode 42: Coworking for Freelance Environmental Educators