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Episode 60: What is Environmental Education for?

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Next week Talaterra Cowork will host Breakthrough! - Purpose of Environmental Education.

This Breakthrough! session will be the first of many monthly conversations to encourage dialogue between independent professionals working in fields related to environmental education and their colleagues.

This month’s topic was inspired by papers I read by Dr. Rupu Gupta and her colleagues. Last year I had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Gupta for the podcast. Dr. Gupta’s specialty is conservation psychology. She studies why people have an interest in nature, why they don’t, what motivates them to take care of nature, and what barriers prevent people from caring for the environment.

This week we revisit my conversation with Dr. Gupta because next week’s Breakthrough! session is informed and inspired by her work and the research tool she helped create at Knology.

I hope you enjoy learning about Dr. Rupu’s research and that you consider participating in next week’s Breakthrough! conversation.



More about Dr. Rupu Gupta

Let’s Talk: What to you is the purpose of environmental education?

Transcript: Ep60, What is Environmental Education for?

Social media photo by Marleen Mulder-Wieske on Unsplash