Episode 62: Katura Reynolds, Creating Bilingual Learning Environments

Katura Reynolds is an Interpretive Content Developer and scientific illustrator. She has worked in exhibit design since 1997 and has created learning environments at museums such as The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Garden, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, and most recently Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, WA.

She is especially interested in bilingual and bi-cultural content development and community-based social marketing.

How did Katura learn to design bilingual learning environments?

What recommendations does she have for us?

Let’s find out.


Scribbiling Science

Best practices for the design of bilingual museum graphics (NISE Network)

Translation Process Guide (NISE Network)

Bilingual Exhibit Research Initiative (BERI), diving into how folks use bilingual graphics in museums.

Roots of Wisdom Legacy Document, with insights on cross-cultural collaborations.

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