Ep109 Diane Wyzga, Find the Heart of Your Message as an Environmental Educator

Today we get to learn from Diane Wyzga, story strategist, guide, and founder of the practice called Engaged Storyism.

Diane is also the creator, host, and producer of “Stories From Women Who Walk,” a much-loved and listened-to podcast that has spread wisdom and touched hearts worldwide.

I reached out to Diane so you and I could think about story. Not in an MBA/marketing sort of way, but in a real way. A way that reflects who we are as individuals and professionals.

What is your story?

How do you find it?

Let’s find out.



Quarter Moon Story Arts

Stories From Women Who Walk

Camino de Santiago

Receive updates about the story workshop with Diane


Bonus - Carbon Sessions, Ocean Plastics


Bonus: Generation Carbon, Bugs and climate