Ep121 Jerry Willenbring, Electrify California

Today it is my pleasure to introduce you to Jerry Willenbring.

Jerry is a community organizer, teacher, and guide. He is also a physicist and an electrical engineer who has taken on electrifying California.


In 2020, Jerry formed Electrify California, a nonprofit committed to providing education and resources to guide the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. When Jerry and I met we talked about why he started Electrify California, who he created it for, and how he engages with the public and supports them as they explore what’s possible while living an electrified life.




Inflation Reduction Act

Inflation Reduction Act Rebates and Tax Credits (MarketWatch)

CA Climate Action Rebates

Exxon scientists predicted global warming with ‘shocking skill and accuracy,’ Harvard researchers say.

The Climate Exxon Memo (1982)  (The Carbon Almanac)

Microgrid Community in Menifee, CA

More about heat pumps and property value  (Center for Global Sustainability, University of Maryland)

The Carbon Almanac


Ep122 Raquel Pinderhughes, Roots of Success


Ep120 Erin Majeske, Barefeet Farm School